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  • Writer's pictureMimi

"Things are going to be clearer in 20/20" - My mom

Recently I have had to remind myself that I have WAY more than I will ever need or that the life I live is pretty grand just the way it is.

Unfortunately, I struggle with the common theory that everyone, no matter who you are or what you have, we all want 10% more, whether it's our salary, food, travel, experiences, clothes, a house or affection from others.

Recently I experience tiny life lessons I want to apply in 2020 that remind me - i will have more than I need in 2020.

My boyfriend talks about this test that hackers take (watch I am really going to describe this well). The test is around 48 hours and there's no mercy or time for mistakes. The tagline for the test is, "try harder." Harsh? Maybe... but that's life.

It makes me realize, "try harder" doesn't have to be expressed in a demanding or assertive tone, but to try harder means do better, always go the extra mile for everything. Recently, I am pushing myself in my work to think, "How can I do better for my boss and my team? How can I think proactively and do a little better? Where can I clean up my work, do something productive and work towards growing out of my usual comfort zone of just answering emails."

I want to apply the same mentality to my new year's resolution. Maybe I don't want to go vegan (sorry vegans) or lose weight. Those aren't the metrics I am going for. Those resolutions are cliche on-offs by my own personal values. But maybe throughout the next year, I can just gently remind myself: try harder. Do better, not just for others but also for myself in small ways: eat that extra carrot! Go for that 5 minute walk! Don't get that straw that will kill a sea turtle (thanks Greta).

I need to try harder to remind myself that everything is going to be fine. A friend of mine challenged herself to give herself physical reminders. Like a note in her wallet that reads, "You have more money than you think" (or something like that, perhaps less Scotiabank tagline and more inspiring than you think). From money, stress, what to cook for dinner... I should pace my thoughts, map it out and reduce the emphasis of trying to have it all figured out at 23.

Finally, just remembering that a year is a long friggen time. 365 days is a long string of events that brings you forward from where you were 365 days ago. We should all realize that no matter what your achievement is-- it's pretty great and worth recognition.

Try harder in 2020 means do better for yourself. Try a little harder all the time, not all at once and just look forward to 2020.

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