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  • Writer's pictureMimi

Spring Skating and Salted Caramel Lattes

Spring in Toronto is more like a pre-pubescent summer waiting to get warm but it never does. But to make the most of it we try to get out on the sunny days. This past February we headed down to the waterfront by the beautiful (slightly polluted) Lake Ontario. There is an outdoor rink located on Front street right by the Toronto Harbourfront where, ship docks, Sugar Beach, and revitalized storefronts are located. We rented skates and spent the day trying out our amateur speed skating and synchronized skating skills. To our dismay neither of us are to qualify for the Olympics anytime soon.

But even so, the afternoon was also great for people watching: young people on first dates, moms catching up and discussing their newly born babies, and little wee ones windmilling their arms to stay upright as they learned. It was also gorgeous to take in the landscape of both the CN Tower and the frozen lake that was slowly melting.

Fresh air and exercise is always a boost for the happy hormones but when you add some music then its an even better afternoon. With some tunes bumping on the facilities sound system we were trying our best to skate like pros (The only thing we could master was the one-foot-skating-star-fish). But after a while we got tired of being fake-Olympians and had to warm up. And what a better way to warm our chilled hands than with a delectable white-girl drink. So yes you guessed it, Starbucks was our next stop. With our Salted Caramel Lattes in hand we made our way back to the lake to take in the last bit of sunlight and soak in the days activities.

See friends, even the fullest of days can happen in your own neighbourhood. Just venture out and see what you can find. Even if you aren't in an urban area make your own fun. Take on the challenge to make an ice rink in your back yard. Find the best hot chocolate recipe off the internet and have a hot chocolate tasting bar. Whatever you choose to do, do it with someone else to share the experience. What's one of your favourite afternoon adventures that you spent locally?

Keep exploring friends!


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