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  • Writer's pictureMimi

The pros to hiking alone

Being alone in nature has something about it, doesn't it? Whether you're standing in an open green space, on a lake looking at a sunset, or in the middle of a snowy valley, you feel content. For me, I have found I'm happiest hiking alone. Going solo intimidated me at first, thinking I would be lonely or bored. But it has proven to reap positive benefits I hadn't even anticipated. So if you yourself are ever feeling scared to do anything on your own, here are pros to venturing off by your lonesome.

1. You get to go at your own pace

Hiking alone lets you take your time whether you want to go at a steady pace or doddle along. I often enjoy getting a good workout even if a hike is of moderate incline, so I like to book it up if I can. But I never want to go too fast for anyone else nor do I like to wait up for them. Hiking alone means you can stop to tie your shoe, take a picture, or take a water break whenever you want.

2. You get to sing like nobody's listening

With bears in the park it's always recommended to keep a consistent cacophony going at all times (Keeping in mind you can also sing in front of friends if you have the confidence). But it's nice to sing by yourself. I enjoy it more because I can sing the songs I want and in whatever key I want, because the only ones listening are the bears.

3. You can stop to take 100 pictures

Being in a beautiful place you constantly want to take a photo of your surroundings. I always feel guilty when I'm with other people, stopping to take as many pictures as I do. When I'm on my own I can take my time, get down at different angles and take as many different shots as I would like (I also shamelessly take a stupid amount of selfies).

4. You have time to think and think positively

Going for hikes energizes your mind. The more time I spend in nature, the more I find my mind is buzzing with positive thoughts. As I climb, I find myself saying, "You're lungs are full of fresh air, your legs are working, and your heart is pumping", and by the end of the day I feel full and happy.

Sometimes I day dream which can be hard to do with all the regular distractions: my phone, troubling worries, and daily stresses. But on a sunny day I suspend all of those thoughts and just let my imagination take over: thinking of future travels, starting school again, and seeing friends at the end of the summer.

5. You put things in perspective

Finally, getting to hike on your own lets you take everything in. As much fun as it is having a partner to hike with, once you get to your destination and you take in the view, it's extremely rewarding to not have to engage in conversation and truly take advantage of the silence. We don't get enough of that anymore. Sometimes we just need to sit, breathe and put things in perspective. You see how little you are among the massive rocks jutting up from the earth--it makes you feel small. It makes you think of how big our world is or how many opportunities there are to explore it.

Try doing things alone, the solitude and freedom might be a pleasant surprise.

Keep exploring friends!

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