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  • Writer's pictureMimi

#TBT: Two years in the making

Ahh another semester comes to a close. Exams are wrapping up and everyone is hunkering down for winter. I'm feeling extra nostalgic this year, because, after this Friday, I am done school. I won't be stepping foot on campus again, other than to get free printing; no more classes, no more teachers, no more being a student. And it feels weird!


This is a screenshot of a vlog I did on my first day of college about 2 1/2 years ago. Looking at this, makes me think 1) My eyebrows are non-existent. And 2) besides the eyebrows, I really haven't changed. But that's not true at all, I've changed a lot. I think about all the things I learned, the people I met and the decisions I made which led me to where I am today. And it's pretty crazy to think about.

To contrast: two years ago, a small-town girl was sitting in her city apartment, overwhelmed by the TTC, all the cute guys on campus, how few friends she made on the first day, and what she was going to make for dinner.

And so, two years just kinda melted away. As of this week, I completed a final shift at my job, leaving people I will miss dearly. I'm a pro at making dinner. I have amazing, wonderful best friends who I continue to grow my friendships with. I have a super cool, loving boyfriend and I just landed a new PR job starting in January.

So, a note to 18-year-old me:

It's all going to be okay.

The next two years you will grow up.

You will also make dumb decisions but your roommates will get you through it.

Be prepared to meet awesome, interesting, cool people who like the same things as you, just be patient.

Let that boy go, another amazing one is on his way.

Say no to that job, and go home for the summer, it will be waiting for you when you get back.

Let your eyebrows grow out.

When you hit rock bottom, call mom.

Be humble.

Explore the city.

And, fInally stop and savour the little moments, two years goes by faster than you think.

This excerpt may not be significant for most of you to read, but perhaps I will say this: take a second and look how far you have come. Whether it's been a day, a week, years, or decades; appreciate everything you've done to get you to this moment. Cause holy smokes, it's probably been a lot.

Keeping savouring the moment friends and celebrate all you've accomplished!


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