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  • Writer's pictureMimi

The art of doing things alone: 4 things you regain

Have you ever thought to yourself how busy our lives are? We’re constantly consumed by people, their lives on social media, the news, the hustle and bustle of packed schedules, work hours and school requirements.

I’m more aware of the need to unplug. The codependent relationship of my need to stay busy and my phone has taken over. I was struggling to find confidence in doing things on my own and for myself without someone to do it with. So, in an effort to do so I’ve tasked myself to go out on public outings alone. The things I’ve done so far include: going to a movie, to dinner, a concert/event, and walking around the city taking pictures.

We've become so comfortable with normalized activities, like chores, grocery shopping, attending classes, and driving, so what’s different from going to a movie or dinner by ourselves?

Taking the time to do things alone, lets you rediscover positive things:

Let your mind wander...

Let your mind wander

Once you’re actually out by yourself, the activity becomes enjoyable. Letting go of the over-practiced act of looking at a phone allows for more time to do things like daydream, channel the imagination and ponder positive insights, like remembering your favourite day and playing out every detail front to back.

Depending on where you go the art of people watching can actually be a very calming. Acquaint yourself with stranger’s mannerisms and what they might be doing there: What do they do for a living? Why are they here now? Even better, meet someone and strike up a conversation to learn new things about them.

Time to yourself...

Once you get to your destination it’s nice to have time to yourself. My inner introvert doesn’t always enjoy the constant company of people at home, as it turns out the same feeling applies when I’m out in public. Something I would have never discovered without trying it first.

Get lost in staying busy...

Get lost in staying busy

Keep in mind, just because you do something alone doesn’t mean you can’t bring something to do.

Bring something that works your brain beyond mindless scrolling on a phone. Things like crosswords, Sudoku, the Rubik’s cube, a book, a magazine, a sketchbook, poetry, crocheting, cards--anything. Bring a hobby item and get lost in doing it. Let hours pass by before you look at the time again.

Looking good for yourself...

Get excited to go out alone for the purpose of pampering yourself before. Have a warm shower, wear your favourite outfit, do your hair (if it applies), prime your beard (if it applies), wear your favourite perfume/cologne. Indulge in your own pampering routine, whatever it might be, and look good for you.

Rediscovering the moment requires effort to disconnect from our safety nets of company and cellphones. But once you do, you’ll slowly realize it’s worth it. I implore you to do things alone and see what positives things can come of it.

Have you gone and done things alone? What was your experience?

Stay curious friends,


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