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  • Writer's pictureMimi

3 Essential Backpacking Items

It's hard to believe just a month ago I was living out of a 50-litre pack with all of my belongings. Alex and I both agreed we didn’t over or under pack by too much. If anything, there were a select few items I used every day. Here are three essential tools I recommend every backpacker bring on his/her next trip.


Sleeping essential: eye mask and ear plugs

This might be an obvious one, but I used mine every night of the trip. The mask helps you sleep when you encounter less than considerate bunk mates. It saved me from many-a poor night sleep, especially before big adventures planned for the next day. They also came in handy during overnight buses or last-minute flights where I caught extra well-needed winks. (Earplugs courtesy of Home Hardware and the face mask I snagged on our Delta Flight). #NotSponsored

Meal prep: portable utensils and Tupperware

OH. MY. GOD. I cannot emphasize enough how often I used these bad boys.

I think we take for granted the idea of leftovers. I didn't realize how often I over prepared large quantities of food. Tupperware was great for sparing leftovers from dinner to take for lunch the next day. Additionally, if you’re like me, on a budget and don’t want to eat out all the time, Tupperware saves your butt from throwing out food and cooking yet another meal in the crowded hostel kitchen.

The traditional traveler tool: Swiss Army knife.

I highly suggest investing in a good quality multi- tool or the real Swiss Army knife brand. This thing saved our butts for the can opener, alone. None of the hostels (even the best rated ones) had a can opener and as a traveler canned food is your BEST FRIEND. The knife also came in handy on lunch trips to cut bread, scissors for cutting medical materials like gauze, tape and blister pads. Just remember to always pack it in your checked bag not your carry-on!

Although these were the three things I worshiped here are a few more items I wish I brought and wish I left at home listed below. *


Happy I brought:

Cold and flu medications (you WILL get sick);

Combo lock vs key lock (easier to remember a combo than to lose a key);

Shower shoes

Wish I brought:

Extra charger cable/headphones (you will lose one or the other);

GoPro (the fancy camera was fine but posed more of a security risk at times).

Wish I had left behind:

Lonely Planet hardcover (buy it on Kindle or GoogleBooks spare yourself the weight);

International adapter (buy one in the nearest tech shop, cheaper and better guarantee to fit the socket);

Money belt (NEVER used this, a purse was perfectly safe where we travelled. If not, I kept my cards in a small wallet on me);

Water Bottle (if you need one buy it there. Otherwise potable water is hard to find, we always bought bottled water. Bottled water is universal splurge the $2.50 CAD. Reuse the plastic one if you’re worried about killing the environment);

Laundry detergent (don’t bother trying to save money and do your laundry in sinks, find the nearest laundry mat. Its worth your money).

*These items were specific to travelling in south America for two months as a basic economic traveler. Each destination and travelers experience may vary (please say you read that in a deep toned pharmaceutical advert voice).

What have you brought on your tips? Did you over pack? Did you under pack? What were your essentials? Where did you go?

Please share, because I am always curious how to improve my packing skills!

Stay prepared friends.


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